Mass is a collective of photographers documenting the built environment.

Hackney Urban Survey is a series of workshops open to amateur and professional photographers.

Collectively create an archive of images documenting the layers that make up the East-London borough while getting the opportunity to meet other photographers and discuss your work.

Subscribe to the newsletter below or check the Learn page to find when is the next session.

© Francesco Montaguti

We are photographers interested in exploring the ways in which humans modify and intervene in the urban and natural landscape.

Cities, towns, infrastructures, buildings, industry, we look at how these elements interact and shape the contemporary world and society.

Featured Projects

The third issue of Mass Journal is now available to order!

This issue presents Where The Flow Ends, an ongoing project by Mass Collective about water and how humans shape and alter its flow, set within the unique environment of the River Severn estuary.

Marking the boundary between England and Wales, the River Severn has seen nature and industry rise and fall over time. The project explores a place where raw and processed water flow against one another and poses the question of how we will choose to shape our future relationship with the river.

Mass Edition Prints and Posters

From the Notebook